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2024 Year of Self-Care

The world can be so loud at times. I am sure you can agree with that statement. From the news program you watch in the morning with constant visualizations of war, politics and social issues, to the commute to and from work in heavy traffic with the occasional commuter with road rage, or navigating through interactions at work with colleagues who may bring home life to work directing their frustrations at you, or even the perfect stranger at the local cafe with bright ideas about everything playing out in the media… those stressors can be A LOT to manage. Often times when we leave work, there is no time to relax. Especially for women who are mothers and wives! When do we have a time to relax?

I recall when I was a young mother in the “rat race” as we call it; barely waking up on time to get myself ready for work before waking up the kids and getting them dressed for school, packing lunch boxes before getting them on the school bus on time, barely leaving home in time to get the baby to daycare so I can arrive to work on time after spending one hour in heavy commuter traffic, then spend the day surrounded with colleagues that hate what they do, gripe all day about their pay and the company’s disregard for their value, only to leave work and go back to work because there is supper to prepare, homework to assist with, a house to maintain, and bills to pay. Oh, and I cannot forget, my husband to service because after he has spent his 8 hours at work, he is too tired to lift a finger to do anything else but wait on his plate of food to be delivered to him as he comfortably sits in his favorite recliner in front of the television because he is King of his Castle! Maybe that is why we are now divorced!

That was my life as a young mother. I had no time for self-care!  My time to relax was limited to sleeping in late on Saturday morning before heading out to my part-time weekend job. Back then, I had no idea how important it is long-term to take care of my mental health. What I have learned is there has to be balance, ying and yang, work and play, up time and down time. It is unfortunate it took 48 years of this life the Lord blessed me with to come to the realization that what you sow is in fact what you shall reap in EVERTHING you do! So, if you refocus your life on sowing seeds into your mental, emotional and physical well-being, the return on that investment is the reaping of wellness, happiness, health and, I dare say, maybe even an extension of life. I played a huge role in my unhealthy well-being. Had I known then how important self-care is and how not making it a priority would play out later on, I would run back in time to take better care of myself… every day… because I am that important even if no one else realized it!

So, here I am sharing with all of you who are about to embark on this adventure we call LIFE, that it is a blessing to have but it will not be a cake walk!  We often enter into marriage with unrealistic expectations. There are going to be moments of displeasure; remember ying and yang. But it is how we handle those moments; how we love ourselves and our families, our friends and maybe even the occasional newcomer to our lives, that will set the tone for how healthy our overall well-being turns out in the future.

Now that my children are adults and I am an empty-nester, I realize I spent all of my adult life overly concerned about things that do not matter at all!  I cannot turn back the hands of time or ask the Lord for a do-over, but I can make major changes going forward with the knowledge and wisdom I have now.

I have completely transformed the way I manage my self-care. Yes, I have a business! Yes, I have remarried! Yes, I have grandchildren, but I have myself too! And I take time to relax, meditate, and rejuvenate. I believe in pampering myself and taking time to quiet the “noise” of this world. A daily disconnect from everything in my life that are those stress triggers, is invaluable. So, I don’t call it bath time anymore; I call it pamper time! I jump in my

garden tub of warm, sudsy water, with bathtub caddy to hold a book or tablet for reading, then let down the curtains surrounding my tub to envelope my senses in my hand-poured soy wax aromatherapy candle. This is my “Me” time. For me, it doesn’t get any better.

Designs by AnAngel was birthed from this very concept of promoting my own self-care; “pamping” up my bathtime into pamper me time. This endeavor is so personal for me, and I share it with you because if it is not already, your own self-care should be just as important to you. My line of products is great to have or to give because what can be greater than the gift of relaxation and rejuvenation! The added benefit, customizations! I am a girly girl so adding a personal touch to EVERYTHING is a crucial part of my well-being, therefore your customizations are included and encouraged. You take out time to take care of everyone in your life. Do not forget your own SELF-CARE!

So…how may I pamper you today?

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